Monday 10 May 2010

Inspiration at Kew Gardens

This is my very first blog, so hello fellow bloggers and cyberworld...

I'm a hatmaker based in South London. I've been making hats for a couple of years now and really just can't get enough of it.

To keep the process creative and fun I'm always setting myself projects. This is normal practice for most milliners - who are always looking out for ideas to inspire their next collection!

With this in mind, a couple of weeks ago I went on a trip to Kew Gardens. I made myself a packed lunch, a big flask of tea, plugged myself into my ipod and hopped on the train. About an hour later I got off at Kew Gardens station. Sooo pretty there. There was a very tasty looking bakery stall just outside the station entrance so I was forced to get an apple pastry to go with my - until then - very healthy picnic..!

Travel tip: If you walk straight out of station, head straight on, cross over the road and walk down Litchfield Road you'll come to one of Kew's entrances, Victoria Gate in no time. I'm telling you all this as I, unfortunately, took a slightly more scenic route...!)

Anyway, eventually I found my way there with the guidance of a local! I spent the day having the loveliest wander through the gardens with my camera and sketch book. So relaxing...

The blossom was coming out everywhere so it was the perfect time for a Spring walk. I also made a friend or two on the way. Cue: enter one hopping robin, a brood of hens chasing one juicy worm... tightly trapped in one hen beak; plus one seriously verbal... and attention-seeking... peacock!

Since my visit I've been using the photos and drawings to make some paper prototypes for some very fancy fascinators indeed!

Hope you like the results of my hat-play. If you'd like to see some more pics do take a look at my Facebook page:

I'll keep you posted on how I get on making the finished articles...!

Issy B <;)


  1. Can't wait for the daisy hat...someone needs to get married!

  2. Yes, I want the daisy hat too!! Think daisy is my flower actually...will keep you informed on its progress!


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London, United Kingdom


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